Lenore Pink 
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Lenore Pink 
Вступила 03.04.2010
О пользователе
ОткудаСША, Чикаго
ДР06 ОКТября 1989
Welcome to my page.
i do other stuff too its very rare but sometimes it happens.
my heart is set on world domination
this absoultely must happen
In fact i wont stop til it does
I have 9 pierceings and 6 tattoos, i do plan on getting more
I can NEVER park my car
Im obsessive, compulsive and i hate germs
i have a new found love for lady gaga.
I like drinking tea
Cunt is a good word, one of my favs in fact
I nearly always forget to wear socks
Nighttime is the right time.
Air drums are way much better than air guitar
but air bass, now thats a different matter
I dont Drink or do Drugs,
Im a bit of a dickhead sometimes
everywhere by fleetwood mac is my karaoke song of choice
I have the worst fear of Vomit, and im scared of the dark
im very shy its annoying.
coffee and cigarettes
Contrary to my myspace page, I hate talking about myself
Im nothing like you think i am.
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